A press conference was held on the occasion of the launch of the project “Eko Tamiš – new tourist product”

On September 6, 2017, a press conference was held in the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia – Regional Chamber of Commerce of the South Banat Administrative District, where the media were introduced to the goals and key activities on the project. Basic information about the project was given by Dragan Bosilj, V.D. Director of RPK South Banat District. The project “Eko Tamiš-new tourism product” is one of 32 projects approved for financing under the Romania-Serbia Cross-Border Cooperation Program. In mid-June 2017, the Mountain Movement and the Center of Volunteers Pančevo, the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia – Regional Chamber of Commerce of South Banat, Pančevo and two associations from Romania, Miltoni and Association for Tourism Promotion and Development in Timiš, started with the implementation of a project worth around one million Euros . The project is funded by the European Union under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II) and is co-financed by the participating countries.

Borislav Vulić, project manager, spoke about details and key activities. It is planned that partner organizations, during a period of 18 months, will develop a study on a new tourist product, improve the infrastructure for the development of cycling, hiking, fishing, bird watching, etc., promote new tourism products at various events and gatherings, organize promotions and tourist regatta , as well as trainings for different stakeholders – representatives of local self-governments, tourist organizations, guides, restaurants, fishing associations, organizers of tourist events. The theme of the project emphasizes the role eco-tourism plays in encouraging the socio-economic development of Banat or the area covered. The study of the new tourist product, as one of the key project activities, will be a unique response to the growing needs of tourists and visitors to the tourist sites in the offer of the tourism sector at the disposal of various activities, from enjoying nature, recreation and sports, to classic tourist services .

Special attention will be paid to setting up and improving tourist infrastructure – info boards, benches, tables, canopies, bins, bridges and birdwatchers, and marking bicycle and hiking trails. Through the Serbian and Romanian Banat, promotion of a new tourist product will be promoted with the aim of tourists and visitors to this area convey the message that this is an attractive destination and new opportunities for longer stay on the river Tamiš. In the end, the representatives of the partner associations addressed the media about the expectations in the project.

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