In accordance with the plan in the preparation of the project activity, in the period from 22 to 24.
august, 2019, the organization of one of the last promotional campaigns is planning
activities on the project “Eko Tamiš – new tourist product”, organization of the regatta
during the Serbian part of the stream Tamiš from Jaša Tomić to Pančevo.
It will be the continuation of the Romanian part of the race that is being realized by
Romanian partners three previous days. The meeting was held in Opovo on 26 July
In 2019, to which they attended, the tourist workers and owner of the marina in Opovo, as well
members of the project team PKS-RPK Pančevo.
The reason for this meeting is that Opovo was selected as a base after the end of the second one
days of the regatta, where a series of promotional activities, vacations and lodging will be organized
participants of the regatta. The presence of local media is planned to socialize with the local
population, representation of Opovo municipality.
This gathering will be organized in the marina on the river, and the participants will be visited
mobilies in Opovo, which were realized during this project by the partner of the Movement
the mountain of Pančevo. During the meeting, most of the activities and obligations were specified
During that second day, there were no open questions left.