In accordance with the planned activities during the period from 20 to 24 August 2019. The promo was organized regatta on promotion and marketing of the project “Eco Tamis – new tourism product” as well as presenting opportunities Tamis river offers lovers of ecotourism. The race took part 10 participants who drove canoes on certain sections of the river Tamis in Romania, as well as on Lake Surduk located at 80 km from Timisoara, where I anticipated that the project works catamaran purchased through the project by the Romanian partner. This is all because of the Romanian part of the Tamis is often questionable seaworthiness, ie the level of the water level. These are the best regatta participants felt that first day in some parts need to present a canoe on the shore I transferred because of extremely low water levels.
The race then continued to put Serbia, where we were welcomed by representatives of the Ministry of Health Jasa Tomic, and there began the regatta on the Serbian side, which organizes the PKS – Regional Chamber of Commerce South Banat Administrative Administrative District. The stage is driven to where felling was planned as the first phase. In Secanj reception was organized by the Tourist Organization of the municipality in cooperation with several associations. There was also a first base regatta where he spent the night. The next day, the race continued to put a fist, I Baranda ops, where the marina was organized welcome the participants of the regatta and lunch. After a short break, the hosts organized a visit to the Info Center of the Municipality of Opovo, where all regatta participants and members of the project team received the Mayor of Opovo, Zoran Tasic thanking what their municipalities included in this project and what you can expect certain benefits from the project in order to promote tourism. He thanked his director PKS-RPK Pancevo, Dr. Marko Ćulibrk stressing that the chamber has small and large municipalities and that the necessary cooperation and other issues to their mutual satisfaction .. After that, the participants of the regatta organized visits to film city in Baranda. Participants of the regatta they spent the night in Opovo. He came to the last day of the regatta, where a large contribution to the final stage of the regatta to Pancevo by members kayak – canoe club in Pancevo with over 10 crews in canoes, in order to complete the regatta was as imposing. Of course there was the catamaran that was made with the Serbian side and provided by Conservation Movement and Volunteer Center of Pancevo. At the end of the lunch was organized for all participants of the regatta and the members of the project team. For participants during the regatta was provided with accommodation, meals and accompanying program as planned .Posebno want to point out that all the participants of the regatta did this voluntarily and with particular emphasis on the Serbian team did several young people who nisuranije had the opportunity to drive canoes and time is even more satisfying because the race passed without any problems. The race is covered by the media with the Romanian and Serbian by the presence of journalists in all bases which have been finished daily stage. with special emphasis to the Serbian team did several young people who nisuranije had the opportunity to drive canoes and time is even more satisfying because the race passed without any problems. The race is covered by the media with the Romanian and Serbian by the presence of journalists in all bases which have been finished daily stage. with special emphasis to the Serbian team did several young people who nisuranije had the opportunity to drive canoes and time is even more satisfying because the race passed without any problems. The race is covered by the media with the Romanian and Serbian by the presence of journalists in all bases which have been finished daily stage.