Cooperation Agreement between the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia-Regional Chamber of Commerce of the North Banat Administrative District and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Budapest was signed on June 16, 2021 in the premises of the RCCI of the North Banat Administrative District in Kikinda.
At the working meeting organized by RCCI – Regional Chamber of Commerce of the North Banat Administrative District, representatives of the City of Kikinda, Regional Chambers of Commerce of the Central Banat, South Banat and Srem Administrative Districts as well as representatives of the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Budapesti Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara – BKIK) presented investment opportunities in the area of the city of Kikinda, and Banat and Srem administrative Districts. Also, they discussed the possibilities and the way of business connection of Hungarian and Serbian companies and institutions.
During the discussion on tourism potentials, the representative of the RCCI of the South Banat Administrative District, member of the project team, presented the results of the project IPA Project „Eco Tamiš (Timiš) – new tourism product“ implemented under the IPA CBC Cross-border Cooperation Program Romania – Serbia, funded by the European Union under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance. (IPA II) and co-financed by the participating countries.
Representatives of the Hungarian-Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry also participated in the work and supported efforts for deeper connections and cooperation between the Chambers of Commerce of Hungary and Serbia in economy as well as cooperation in project preparaton and implementation within the Interreg IPA CBC Programmes.