In the premises of PK Serbia – RPK Južnobanatskog administrative district meeting was held between members of the project
team and representatives of associations that had previously participated in a number of project
activities and make great contribution to their successful implementation, the theme linking all interested
parties and ways of cooperation that should continue and completion of the project.
Participants at the meeting agreed with the statement that the joint promotion of the best means of
presenting the project and the results that have been achieved and the project proposal was accepted by Mrs. Zorana
Government, the organizers of the Carnival in Pancevo that during Carnival a space to promote the project.
Carnival in Pancevo will be held on 21 and 22 June 2019.
Representatives of the Chamber of Commerce have announced the promotion of the project at the fair which will be held in Subotica, from 30
May to 1 June 2019.