In accordance with the agreed and planned project activities from 16 to 19 April 2019 organized a promotional tour for the tourist industry in order to promote the project “Eco Tamis – new tourism product”, as well as the promotion of organized activities with the aim of conducting awareness campaigns character the Tamis and that greater use of the tourist offer in and around the river Tamis. The organizer of the promo tour was the Serbian Chamber of Commerce Regional Chamber of Commerce South Banat Administrative District.
During this promotional tour visited the course of the river Tamis the most part, starting from the mouth of the river Tamiš into the Danube near Pancevo, to move over Timisoara on the Romanian side. The aim of the promo tour was to tourism officials familiar with all available amenities on the river and its environment neposrenoj. It was an opportunity to visit many cultural and historical monuments on the territory of Serbia and Romania, which are located on the river Tamis, or the environment, as well as many sites designed for recreation, from the place for fishing, bird watching, cycling, walking and the city of kayaking.
Promo tour Epoca ride on a catamaran Tamis purchased during this project and from the quay in Pancevo to the tower at the mouth of the Danube. He was in a tour of the center of the town of Pancevo provided a guide, which was completed by visiting the museum of brewing. Then the participants headed to Opovo, which was organized visit a film studio in Baranda, then a pond in which the surrounding habitat of rare species of birds. After returning to Opovo visited the marina on the river Tamis, beach and promenade in the immediate vicinity is being set mobilijara- benches and tables provided in the project.
The next day, the journey continued with a visit Idvor and birth house and museum of Mihajlo Pupin. He then visited the famous gallery of naive art in Kovacica, as well as the famous violin manufacturer Jan Nemček. Short break with lunch was organized on the lake at Debeljača, after which the participants headed to Secanj, where he visited the pond with fish hatchery in Sutjeska and beach in Secanj where are also installed tables and benches from the project.
The third day of the promo tour continued in Romania visit several museums, then the winery in Rękas, as well as the famous horse farm nearby. On the last day, the participants were able to learn about the history of the city of Timisoara, as well as the tourist offer in the area, which is open that day flower festival. Upon completion of the tour of the city visited the monastery Sag and after the tour ended with lunch in a beautiful motel on the bank of the Tamis.
Participation in this promo tour is foreseen in the project budget, and all participants were provided with promotional T-shirts and caps, as well as printed materials realized during the project of brochures, leaflets to specialized maps for fishing, bike rides and hiking, cross-rowing and finally with maps on which they are designated locations for bird watching.
It should be noted that the participants were delighted with travel arrangements, as well as those that had the opportunity to see. Great help in the realization we had from the local tourism workers, as in Pancevo, Opovo, Secanj and in Timisoara.