Training for representatives of local governments

As planned, in the period from 28 – 29 June 2018 held a joint training for representatives of local self-government with the Serbian and Romanian side who was a two-day training. The training was held at Hotel Vojvodina in Zrenjanin and was intended for representatives of local governments dealing with the economy, tourism, project management, and all those whose work has significantly contact with tourism. This was an opportunity for participants to raise the training level of knowledge on tourism in Banat, to acquire new skills and improve existing ones, as well as to get to know a new regional tourist product Eco Tamis.


Training was through workshops, which provided a detailed overview and practical exercises in the field of communications in tourism, as well as communications on tourism. Considerable space is devoted to the promotion, or the concept of the tourism product. During the two-day training the participants create awareness of the importance of communication in tourism, improve their knowledge of promotional tools in tourism, to better understand the concept of tourism product and get information on sources of financing tourism projects.

The training was specifically designed for representatives of local government and divided into four half-day sessions. The training was based on international best practices in the training of representatives of local governments and a wide range of expert knowledge in this field and the duration of the Biojo interactive with examples from everyday work. Since the training was attended by representatives of Serbian and Romanian local governments, was simultaneous translation. The second day is for all students was organized excursion to the nearby protected site “Imperial bar” located close to the Tamis, which has been organized boat tour and sightseeing more than 230 species of birds and 300 species of plants.

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